Thứ Ba, 27 tháng 11, 2007

ShareThis for blogger

ShareThis, the green sharing icon which you’ll probably find in most WordPress blogs, is now available for Blogger platform or any other website.

With a single line of Javascript code, you can help website visitors promote your blog content on social websites like Digg, Delicious, Facebook, etc. Other than social web sharing, ShareThis will let readers forward your stuff via email/SMS while staying on the page.

Now the most wonderful part about ShareThis - when readers share your web content, ShareThis tracks and provides your this information through charts and reports.

You therefore know what content is popular among your readers and how they are interacting with various social services.AddThis also provides something similar in a drop-down CSS menu but with ShareThis, you can decide what services should appear in the menu and their order.

Get ShareThis Developer Blog

If you are on Classic Blogger template, ShareThis will work without problems but for the XML templates of new blogger, consider replacing characters like <, & and > with their respective HTML codes (<, & and >).

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